
Saturday, April 6, 2013

NaPoWriMo: Day 6

Time for another villanelle, friends! This one is a bit dramatic for the subject matter, but it's fun.


The picture on the wall is askew.
It's distracting and unsettling and just not right.
It bothers me; does it bother you?

Flowers of blue
On a background of white.
The picture on the wall is askew.

Don't tell me it's level; that's just untrue.
One side isn't even with the other's height.
It bothers me; does it bother you?

It's slanted, tilted, through and through;
One side's heavy and the other's light.
The picture on the wall is askew.

I'd like it to hang the way it used to,
And someday perhaps it might.
It bothers me; does it bother you?

We need someone to fix it, but who?
Someone, please end our plight.
The picture on the wall is askew.
It bothers me; does it bother you?

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your poems. The description of your blog is perfect as all the poems are fun.
